药效缓释剂 ISO-9001/ISO-14001/OHSAS-18000 <药效缓释剂> -缓释剂是要确保药物不断的 ,慢慢的,但稳定的速度被释放到身体。药剂从离子交换树脂释放是 取决于身体内不同液体与药品及树脂错化物之间的反应来决定。对药物的释放速度可通过改变控制粒子的大小,树脂交联的程度及树脂的化学性质。此种持续性的释放药效配方是可以依照不同的应用而量身订作的。 Premium Pharmaceutical Grade Resin Tulsion® 344 is "Sodium Polystyrene USP". It is highly purified crosslinked polyacrylic copolymer in Sodium form. Tulsion® 344 (Sodium Polystyrene Sulphonate USP) is uesd in taste masking and sustained release applications for variety of drug molecules. Tulsion® 344 (Sodium Polystyrene Sulphonate USP) is used in dosage forms like liquid oral suspension and tablets. This product is manufactured under GMP at an FDA approved, ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001 certified facility. TYPICAL :Tulsion 344(Sodium Polystyrene Sulphonate USP) Type : Strong Acid Cation exchange resin Matrix structure : Cross linked polystyrene copolymer Functional group : Sulphonic acid Description : Golden brown, fine powder Ionic form : Sodium Moisture contents (approx) : 10 % max. Limit of Ammonium salts : The litmus paper shows no blue colour/ Negative to litmus paper. Potassium exchange capacity : 110-135mg/g on anhydrous basis Sodium content : 9.4% to 11.5% on anhydrous basis Iron content as Fe : Not more than 100 ppm Heavy metals as Pb : Not more than 10 ppm Particle size : Retention on 100ASTM mesh =1% max. Styrene content : 1ppm max. Solubility : Insoluble in water TESTING: The sampling and testing of ion exchange resins is done as per standard testing procedures, namely ASTMD-2187 and IS-7330, 1998. PACKING: Super sacks 1000 liters Super sacks 35 cft MS drums 180 liters Fiber drums 7 cft HDPE lined bags 25 liters HDPE lined bags 1 cft For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These data are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are as per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on own processing equipment.